my dad sent me mail :) so sweet of him.. even though it was short it made me miss him and the rest of the fam even more.
i really miss pa. even though we're often at loggerheads with each other ( we both have big egos -_-") i remember during my summer back in msia someone asked my dad "Are you happy your daughter's back?" to which my dad replied " Yea, i
was for the 1st few weeks." -_-"""""
yea. i deprived him of his ASTRO.
he's prolly the only person who over-rates me and thinks i can do anything :) (which is not aaalwayyys a good thing - OH, the PRESSURE ;p)
i miss fixing things with him like my cupboard hinge or the dining light.
i miss watching horror movies with him. THE GUYS HERE ARE ALL
i miss the funny face he makes and the accompanying wrinkles (yes pa, you have wrinkles. he thinks he's still 30)
i miss how me, my sis and bro would gang up on him to steal the tv remote. (tho that was such LONG time ago)
i DONT miss him waking me up at 10.30 am every morning to eat breakfast. HOHOHO. though i understand where he's coming from.
a little part of me dies inside when i dissapoint my dad(and my mom for that matter) , they dont know , cos i dont show.
it pains me to see them growing older and still have to slog for my fees. i wish i had a lucrative talent :S
i didnt hug him long enough at the airport :(
dont be fooled by this pic, my dad looks better in person.
Dad, sis and bro. (ivan managed to sneak into the pic)
i love my mom too.
gosh im sentimental today.
in the words of my bro "family value pack"
taken at mcds ma...
mini me.