
Friday, November 10, 2006


i'd like to thank julian phoon who introduced two brilliant movies to me

- Before Sunrise (1994)

NEVER thought i'd enjoy a movie like this when he told me the general plot : two strangers meet on a train and end up talking for 105 mins of the whole show while walking the streets of vienna. At the start of the movie i was like bracing myself for boredom which slowly turned to interest then quickly being totally absorbed by their honest conversations and unpretentious connection.

wow, look tsuen IS cultured after all ;p
(you are not permitted to guffaw, a snigger would do) hmmph.

- Before Sunset (its sequel)(2003)

Not as long as its predesessor but just as absorbing and i absolutely LOVE the ending. hahahahaha julian - "i know". wah liao.....
(not like julian reads my blog. heh.)

too bad the films were made and released 9 years apart, so i didnt get to watch it in real time. i was 8 for goodness sake. i'd prolly be asking my mom a FEW questions.
but anyway mine was instant gratification as i had both movies with me. huahuahua. wow ethan hawke and julie delphi really AGED. scary. in 9 yrs time il be 29, would i be married but independant? single and independant? dead? junkie? launching space shuttles?(yea baby) but the thing that scares me most really is would i be any wiser? or still young and immature? cynical and bitter? yeap, il be 21 soon, and i dont like it, so sue me.

julian is sensitive. *smirk*
but who knew tsuen would *double smirk*


Blogger Justin said...


since when u so cultured one? omg. 105 mins of just dialogue...i think I might just die. x_x


9:32 PM  
Blogger tsuen (",)v said...

i KNOW you would.. hahahahaha

3:19 AM  
Blogger Justin said...

lols...that's so comforting-_-"

it reminds me of the time i went for the play with grace and benji..and the whole play was just a dialogue. O_O

the conclusion was I almost slept numerous times throughout the play. hahahahaha..:P

8:01 PM  

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